Saturday, July 14, 2012

Princess Cupcake is Running the Princess Half Marathon!

I officially signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon!!

I'm only slightly scared at this point!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hitting Reset

It's been a long, long time since I posted here and I'm sure some people gave up on me but I'm back with a renewed focus and a goal in sight.

This morning I attempted to secure a room at Disneyland for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January, but was unsuccessful. After some serious pondering I decided that I'd be better off getting a room at Disney World for the Princess Half Marathon instead. I'll also have an extra month to train and I'll be back "Home". As much as I really want to get to Disneyland at some point, it would be extremely sad to go a year without going back to Disney World and if I had gone out to Disneyland, I would have given up our 2013 trip to Disney World.

Some events have transpired in the last couple of days that have really made me think about who I am and who I want to be. At first, I was really upset because no one likes to think about their flaws. I have a lot of issues with insecurity and I have a hard time dealing with fear but I know that while I think I am a pretty good person, I could be better. If I want to achieve my goals I need to work every day towards them...both physically and mentally.

The good thing is, I'm not alone. I have an awesome husband, awesome family and awesome friends who believe in me and want to help me be the best person I can be. One of those people (who shall remain nameless) is the person who got me to really think about who I am and who I want to be this week. It wasn't easy for this person to tell me they thought there are things I could improve upon, but I want to tell this person "Thank You!" because in the end, even if it was hard for me to hear, I know this person wants the best for me, and they are going to be there to support me in my journey to becoming the best me I can be.

With that for the Princess Half Marathon officially begins tomorrow! I'm ready to go the distance....